What Our Clients Have to Say


“At the fourth month mark my wife Sarah and I hit rock bottom. We had a beautiful, healthy boy but none of us were sleeping enough and Sarah and I just couldn't do it anymore: we needed help. We called our birth-doula, Dakota Dawson, and she immediately put us in touch with her colleague Rhiannon Wescott. Rhiannon spent 72 hours living with us and helping our little one learn how to sleep independently. She is a miracle worker. Within three nights our son was reliably sleeping from 7pm-6am with just a dream feed at 9:30. She helped get him off all of the sleep crutches that we had introduced: pacifier, swaddle, snuggle-me pillow, etc. Now he sleeps on his own, sucks his own thumb, knows how to self sooth, and we're all doing so much better. Simply put, this was the best money we've ever invested in our lives. Rhiannon is incredible. She's kind, knowledgable, patient, and confident. We trusted her instantly and have recommended her to all of our friends with little ones at home. “ - E. Gray

“The short of it is: that Rhiannon/Mountain Baby Sleep Company is worth every penny and truly saved our lives. I don’t mean to sound dramatic but it is true.

The long of it is: My husband and I really didn’t have much experience with babies when we brought our little guy home from the hospital. But full of love and some guidance from some parenting books we dove in. Around 6 weeks he started not napping for more then 30-40 minutes unless he was sleeping on one of us. Then around 8 weeks he began have trouble going to sleep. Not really knowing what to for that, and trying to be loving to our son, we started rocking our son to sleep sometimes for 10 minutes or sometimes for 2 hours or more. Finally, around 10 weeks, our baby started to have serious trouble sleeping at night, and he would only sleep on one of us. My husband and I would work in shifts to let the baby sleep on us while we willed ourselves to stay awake in the rocking chair while holding him. It was a full-time job to get him to maybe sleep 11 hours in a day. Which was not enough for our baby at his age.

Why were we doing this? We thought we were helping our little guy. We really wanted him to sleep and didn’t want to let him fuss or cry based on attachment parenting principles and what we thought was the “right thing”. But our baby was tired. Friends and family said he looked tired. We knew he looked tired. My husband and I were exhausted, and I didn’t know if I was suffering from postpartum depression or was simply exhausted. We were fighting all the time. We were told “some babies just don’t sleep.” But I knew that wasn’t the answer. I KNEW he wanted to sleep but something we were doing was wrong. We had to figure something out. We got in touch with Rhiannon, talked to our pediatrician, and made the decision that what we were doing wasn’t working and we needed help!

She moved in us with for 3 days and gave us a crash course in our baby’s sleep. It was amazing! We learned about our little guy’s cries, what they mean, and how to respond. He now is a solid little sleeper! He can independently self soothe and can link sleep cycles. We’re so proud of him. We learned how to actually set a sleep and nap schedule and stick to it. We learned what drowsy but awake actually is- because I could never figure it out based on articles on the internet. Speaking of the internet, she gave us the confidence to trust our instincts as parents and not fall into internet parenting worm holes.

We have our lives, rest, and sanity back because of her. Having her in our house was like having a new best friend come visit who as a bonus gave us helpful parenting tips in a kind and non-judgmental way. Our baby is now happy, rested, and just as engaging and bonded to us as ever before. “

-Laura M.

“My girl is 6 months old and we had been struggling with her sleep the entire 6 months. Rhiannon heard we needed some help and coached us over the phone. She helped reassure me when I was having a hard time with my girl crying at bedtime. She understood when I said I needed to go slow. She gave loads of super helpful tips and ideas.

My girl now sleeps through the night and takes great naps every day. Because Rhiannon helped us, I also get to sleep through the night!!! “

-Emily M.