Let us help your child build good sleep habits that will last a lifetime!
How It Works
You’ve read every book and online article, maybe you’ve even hired a remote sleep coach...but those writers have never met your baby and that remote coach isn’t in the hallway at 2 AM with you, supporting your decisions. We come to your home and in 48-72 hours we teach your baby to sleep and give you peace of mind in the process!
Step one: Understanding your goals and your child's needs.
We only take on clients that we are absolutely sure we can help so click on the CONTACT button above to answer a few questions before we do your complimentary sleep assessment call. We’ll get some details from you, book the dates, and we’ll be on our way to help you before you know it!
Step Two: In-Home Training
We will stay between 48-72 hours with you, in your home, while we learn your child's sleep habits and implement a personalized sleep training plan for your baby. We will be right there with you, every step of the way, to help you stay on track.
Step Three: Support and Consistency
Habits are not built in a day, and that is why we provide 4 weeks of unlimited email support as well as weekly phone calls. Consistency is the key to creating lasting sleep habits for your child. If you need help, we’re just an email or phone call away.